In recent months, we at the Laboratory for Intelligent Integrated Networks of Engineering Systems have been arguing for “Enterprise Control” in support of the future developments of the electricity grid.  This work has provoked interest in a number of different research communities.  To that end, Prof. Amro M. Farid was invited on January 31st to give a lecture entitled “Intelligent Enterprise Control of Future Electric Power Systems” at the MIT Mechanical Engineering department.  While power grid’s are often seen as the domain of electrical engineers, mechanical engineers have developed a strong interest in smart grids due to the heavy role of power generation and building management.  Furthermore, the concept of enterprise control  which originates from the ISA-s95 standard within the manufacturing domain is particularly familiar to mechanical engineers.  This presentation argues the need for holistic assessment methods and then highlights our recent work on the development of enterprise control strategies.  It draws from multiple LIINES publications lead by Dr. Aramazd Muzhikyan and Dr. Sergio Rivera.

The lecture follows a similar invited lecture at the Czech Technical University Department of Cybernetics in Prague.  Full text of the background reference papers may be found on the LIINES publication page:


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